Thursday, November 5, 2009


such a different life I am living from being in Kaleo this time last year to being in a secular college this year. Not a bad life but very different in the daily things I do and different people and surroundings. When I first came back from BC back to ontario I had major culture shock for a few weeks and still am adjusting. I found myself not fitting in and not satisfied with the things in this world and what the world says you have to do to "be happy". I still am frustrated with things and am searching for answers. Searching for answers to tell people that are seeking to know something greater than just worldly things. I constanlty have been stumped the past months with questions people raise about Jesus and "christianity". I have been careful on using the word christian. Not because I am ashamed of it..not at all! But because there is so many mis understandings about this word. People have said they are a christian and represent Christ in such a horrible way. They are no different and are not set apart from the world at all. It saddens me to see that they are mis representing Jesus.
On another note the question that has stumped me so much is...when people say

"I believe that everyone has there own gods they are happy with and the end."
"I beleive that there is a God who governs all religions"

now that 2nd one is illogical because so many religions are so different but the first statement does raise a lot of questions.
where is fulfillment in that statement. How does everyone have their own gods? How is someone content in saying that? How did this world come to be if there are many gods? Are they all connected? How can they all be connected if there are so many different aspects to all these different religions the world has going on and even new religions are popping up.
I just don't get it. I don't know how to say my God is the REAL God who died for you and me for our sins!
I know so much in my heart this is true but I seem lost for the words to describe to people. It's not as easy as I would like it to be. Not that I was expecting it to be easy but I just feel like I don't have the words to say. Or enough "proof" as one might say?

UGH. I am just frustrated with finding the right words to say. Are there the right words? Actually bam there you go right words to say and than the person realizes or maybe starts to see a little the truth?
Someone says "I believe In God"...what does that actually mean? Today that can mean so much in the world we live in.
Believing in God is more than just believing! It is actually having this incredible relationship with a creator that created the world and me and you and gave us free will. Believing is also living your life for God. Not just being a hearer but a doer also as James says!
So much of this relationship with Christ has been altered today. People have altered it to just believing in God but still going back or staying in the same state of their worldly desires. That is not taking up your cross and following God like he says. If you follow God than you need to be willing yo become a disciple of his. It is sacrifice, love, desire and so much more. It is a journey a road you take that is never-ending. You are always learning and learning and oh learning.

So what does it really mean to be a Christ follower to you?
what would you say to those people that say "everyone has their own gods"? would you be as stumped on that as I am?

That is my blurb for now. I just needed to get that off my chest as I have been wondering and probing this for a while.

until next time.



Beats said...

Alivia it is great to read about you struggling with these questions. I pray that you continue to question all things, and that your questions will be followed by answers.

"For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." Pr. 2:6

Alivia :) said...

thanks Tom!!
yea im struggling with these questions often...not knowing the "right" words to say...
im trying to have quit time but i find myself so busy getting caught up in daily life things and not setting aside time with God
i love that bible verse tho!!
thanks for the prayer! it is much appreciated!