Monday, February 9, 2009

Old Testament Awesomeness!

Beautiful Vancouver

I took this photo during missions Fest in vancouver and the mountains are gorgeous! Mmmmmmm so last week! It was a pretty good week! We had class ALL week but it was awesome! The teacher was really cool! His name was Don Taylor and we learned about the Old Testament books of the Bible and what all happened throughout those books. I had to memorize all the books! We had class outside some days and it was sweet cause it was so beautiful out! It was a very interesting class and i enjoyed it throughly. I didn't think that I would enjoy it that much.

This is me and Jesse on our lunch break between class :)

Youth group on Wednesday went well! We talked about being a hypocrite and what that means. We talked about how you could not be one and what the Bible says about it. It was a good talk with my grade  7 girls. They understood what it meant and they listened well this week. They had a few questions to ask about it and it was a sweet small group talk. Afterwards we played a game outside. Everyone had to run and hide and there was one person that would run around trying to get you and bring you back to the building to get pink ribbon and than you would have to tag people too. I ran around with the girls and had lots of fun. It was another eventful fun night of youth! This following Wednesday it is up to us the Kaleo students to plan youth group! There are 6 of us who attend Warmland. There is Paul, Josh, Amelia, Malayne, Shannon and me. It should be a fun time! I hope that we come up with sweet idea's to do it! It's all in our hands...Steve who leads it is just going to sit back and watch us lol. Does anyone have any ideas that is reading this? If so give me a shout on email and tell me :) 

One thing that I learned in church this sunday was that God is a lamp unto your feet. Lately i've been struggling with Decisions on where I should be this summer and about September of what I should go into. So many things to think about and they are HUGE things because they can predict a lot of things in your life. So in church when my pastor mentioned that God was a lamp unto your feet, something clicked in my head. It made sense in every aspect. I have been frustrated lately that God has not shown me what he wants for me and i've prayed but can't seem to have an answer on what to do. If God is a lamp unto my feet, he is only going to show me so much in front of  me as a lamp would do. If God told me all the plans he had for me and told me what I would be doing far ahead in my future than I would probably be scared or not think that is is possible. So I was glad that The pastor mentioned that this sunday and that it really caught my attention. It set my heart at ease a little bit. I still worry yes but I know i'm going to be doing something and God has something for me. It's just trusting his plan and having faith right? Faith is key to have ...believing without seeing. I'm sure of it that God will reveal it to me in time bit by bit. 

Saturday night we watched a movie! It was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade! It was an old one but i loved it! I don't think I have seen it before! It was a great movie to watch with everyone. We watched it all together and had some chips. We all recommitted to our media fast that we do here. We are encouraged to do a media fast because sometimes you can get so caught up in tv and movies that you don't spend time with the people around you and it can be anti-social. Which is totally true.  So what we all want to do here is recommit because we have only a little more time as sad as it seems together with everyone here to hangout whenever we want and we don't want to be cooped in our rooms watching a tv show or movie. So we have movie nights when we can with everyone and its a good time :D I actually really don't miss watching tv. I found when i came here that i had waisted so much time watching it at home and that there are so many things i can fill in my time to occupy it than watching tv. Ofcourse i like tv but i see it differently now that i have not been watching it lately. I defiantly miss PRISON BREAK! ahh! I like that t.v show so much! lol but yea its okayy though i will catch up on it when I have some free time back at home whenever that is that i return lol  I might be staying out here in the summer! We shall see!

Mkay well I must be off!
Thank you so much for reading this blog! I appreciate it so much everyone!
It's so awesome that I can take you along this year on the journey with me...well at-least give you some insight on it :)

I leave for India in  28 days! :O 

Things to pray for:
-That God would keep everyone going to India healthy on our trek
-that my lovely immunizations that I have to get on Valentines day will not hurt and I won't be scared lol (i can be a lil baby haha)
-That God would continue to work in my Heart and reveal this hurting broken world and my eyes would continually be open 

Love Liv :)


MissHicks said...

Hey Alivia!
It's so cool to see what's going on there.
I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for your missions trip..
as for that youth and getting ideas.. I don't know what to tell you lol
But I hope you guys figure something out.
I will probably see you when you come home.
Have fun in INDIA!

Kate Hicks

Erin's Dad said...

Dear Alivia,

Thanks for the update. I have been thinking about some 'ideas' for your youth event, but at this time, I have not come up with anything. I will let you know if I come up with anything.

I will be praying for you and the India team. I know that your team will have a fantastic time.

I appreciate you sharing the 'insight' you had at Church on Sunday. The fact that a life of faith is lived - with only 'enough' information from God for the short term. I loved how the children of Israel received manna - just enough for the day - no more. I know that when you keep seeking Him, he will indeed 'show you'.

Enjoy the week.
