The past week was a good but REALLY busy week. We had an exam on monday for Old Testament course that I think I did ok on. Tuesday we had one of our courses called "Theology" which is an interesting course. The teacher has some good points about different topics in the world.
On Wednesday night all the ka
leo students that attend Warmland Youth group which are about 5 of us....led the youth night! We planned it all! The speaking, the games, the goodies...were our ideas for the night! Since it was coming up to Valentines day the topic was Love and the different kinds of Love that bo
th God and the world has come to portray. Josh spoke on the topic and we related it to in questions in small groups afterwards. Most of the girls in my small group talked about boys and how some of them didn't have a boyfriend for valentines day and had wished they would have one. Others didn't mind though. What I tried to focus and tell them is that God has a love that is greater beyond anything. You don't need a boy or man in your life to fulfill that. I went on to say that the word "I love you" is such a huge word. I think of it as a life long commitment to someone that no matter what happens, you will never leave their side. We got into a discussion about saying I love you to boys and so on. I told them that it is a word that should be cherished and only said when you really mean it. It's a huge word...more so when you get older you begin to understand how great it is towards another man in that context. In telling the girls about these significant words I began to describe how God's love is unconditional and never ending. He loves you no matter what. He made you all individually. Part of the verse we read on Wednesday was:
1 John 4:18
There is no fear in Love. But perfect Love drives out fear, because fear has to do with p
unishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
I still am trying to pick apart this verse and realize the meaning of it. I know that any type of fear can drive away lots of things and you have to be careful that fear does not drive your life. Most importantly Fear can drive a wedge between you and God. God has that perfect love to show you and help you out of times of fear. You need to turn to him to comfort you and show you his love. Our sin is also a great wedge between God and you. Out of fear can come sin,that is why is says punishment...fear is referring to sin. Someone can sin against you or there can be something that happens that you are now fearful because of it. You have to surrender your fears to God so that he can show you his perfect love.
I ask....what does this mean for your life? How can you change the sin in your life and turn it around to be open for God's l
So yes i've went off on a ramble here. I might have learned more writing this down than I did speaking about it to my girls. Perhaps i'll share with them this week :)
Soo all in all youth went awesome! We ended then night with some capture the flag and pop n chips :)
We had girls night this week! It was tons of fun! We had lots of sweet junk good and popcorn with
sugar!! mmm soo good!
we had a mini dance party lol and stayed up playing truth or dare and telling stories and having an awesome time! In the morning we went for brunch at white spot and the boys ended up being there too!

On lovely Valentines Day...I got an awesome gift!!!!(L)
The gift of immunizations. I had to get 3 needles for my trip to India! I just about fainted. I was so so so nervous to get them. I had my friend Shannon come in with me and hold my hand. Yes I was a baby. I have them now though so I am praying that I will not get too sick while I am there! So that was most of my Valentines...we had a good brunch and I did homework most of the day...wahoo. I was happy the day was over...maybe next Valentines will not be as painful...get it? the needles lol :P
Prayer Requests:
*21 Days Until India :)
*That God continually keeps on opening up my eyes to things unseen
*The kids at Warmland Church Youth group
*For Homework to get done (it's working! im dong pretty well at managing my hmk :)
*For future decisions of what September brings for my life...
Soo that is me.
Hope your week has gone well everyone!
Love Alivia
1 comment:
Dear Alivia,
GREAT PICTURE OF ERIN - thanks for letting me in on the 'story behind the picture'.
Thank for sharing your adventure this week with us. It is so clear that God is teaching you so much and that you have a growing love/concern/care for your school mates and the youth at the program you were working in. You have such an honest way about you. Keep nurturing that part of you. It will be such a 'talent' that God can use.
Sorry to hear about the Valentine's Day gifts..... but what a memory and what an adventure. We are praying for you and your team.
Keep up the great work.
Gord Wagner
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