This week was definitely a week that opened up my eyes so much to things that are unseen.
Monday and tuesday we had a course in the morning which was Theology. I like this class it is really good and i'm enjoying it. We have it every few weeks. Wednesday was a good but busy day. There were a few things due that day and not a lot of time to do them. We had a workout and chapel that day. We also had a meeting to read a book and than I had to work on my group project. We had dinner and than I was right off to youth group to hang out with the awesome possum kids!
Youth Group!
We talked about heaven and hell and the difference between these places. In the small groups afterwards the kids had good questions about them. Some girls in my group believed in neither. They believed in coming back as a new person and being "reborn" into the world again. Than I just thought to myself hmmm wouldn't it be cool to say though i have a purpose in this life and when i die i am going to heaven than just thinking you will live again here on earth. I would find it hard saying that i did not believe in anything. How could you not? God can bless your life richly if you follow him and live for him. I gave these girls a little insight on what I believed and yea it was good. I told them that heaven is a much better place to go and God loves each one of them so much. I'm not a bible scholar by no means lol I know a bit about the bible but yet everyday im learning new things about God and the Bible.
Missions Fest
Thursday we left for the ferry to Horseshoe bay on the mainland. Thursday to Saturday night we were in vancouver. Thursday we had got a bit of free time to be around downtown vancouver or either go visit family and friends. I got to visit my cousin sarah and uncle danny which was a great surprise to see him! Also his girlfriend Patricia and my cousins boyfriend jesse came too! We had a good time together and went out for dinner! It was good to catch up and tell them about my school and how its been so great! I really enjoyed my time visiting with family! Friday brought on missions fest and I did not know what quite to expect going into it. I wasn't sure if it was going to be super boring or super fun or what. We got there and there were all these seminars to go to that we could choose from. Missions fest is a whole bunch of organizations getting together and setting up booths on their organization. Most of the booths have pamphlets about them and so on. One example is camp Qwanoes was there. They had a booth set up all about there camp. Also there was a booth set up for world vision. Many Bible college schools were there as well. The seminars were most of the people who had the booths talking about social issues and world problems and things going on that as christians we could help and they just made us aware of the things going on. One of the seminars I chose to go to was about India and how they do not have a lot of missionaries there hardly at all. This is because this country is so closed to other religions than Hinduism. I visited a lot of the booths set up the first day and got lots of information from different schools and different organizations. On saturday I really liked the seminars i went to. I went to a documentary film on India. It talked about the different caste systems that they have. How people get treated so low because they are born into a family that has a "bad reputation". It was really disturbing that humans can be so cruel to each other and treat them like dirt just because they are a different caste. It is ridiculous the caste system in my own opinion, it divides the people and is not right.
Another seminar I attended was about the Cambodia and the disturbing sex trade that goes on there with little girls. It's disgusting and degrading for little girls to get traded when they are young in age because there family needs money. When the girls get traded they are brought to a place called "brothel" and traded any where from less than 10 dollars and up. The girls that are brought here are huge amounts. A statistic that was told to us in this seminar was that on a week night a girl has 8-10 men come in her room and abuse her sexually on on a weekend it can range from 18-25. It makes me so angry that men are doing this and abusing these helpless little girls that know nothing else. They drug the girls to get them to perform better and they soon get addicted to this drug they give them. I just can't believe this happens i was never fully aware that this was going on. This seminar really opened up my eyes to this disgusting world that we live in some places. It made me realize that even at worst of times in my life there are way worst things going on. I don't know if this calls for me living a non comfortable life because i want to do something i want to help in some way. I'm not sure it might not be this particular thing going on but in some way help something or someone. It just breaks my heart to see things going on in the world and hearing about them and being so impacted by these things. We are hidden from so many things in this world that go on that the news does not want to tell us about or does not display.
All of this just really opened up my eyes for things unseen.
this world is corrupt and disgusting at times but it can be so beautiful. It can be so many things. just blows my mind away with so many things happening both good and evil. How can i live a comfortable life now knowing these things are happening and im doing nothing?
It's so easy to sit and do nothing about it when you are not there and you are not in it.
I know im going to be praying for these little girls and for India and the things going on there with the division and cruelty as well with the people.
to end this on a note...im just mind blown right now with all of this its crazy.
some things to pray about:
-the sex trade going on in Cambodia
-warmland kids at my youth
-the country of India and the things going on there with people being treated horribly
-for my studies and doing homework
-for my health
1 comment:
Dear Alivia,
Thank you for sharing your experiences this week with such passion and conviction. I know I was at a Leadership Summit this summer where a number of 'rescue mission organizations' shared their work, mission and vision for many of these atrocities that you have mentioned. It is so difficult to imagine, as you mentioned, that the world can be SO completely wicked..... You have reminded me, thank you, about the challenges that many people (especially children) in our world face.
We just sent another team from our church to Uganda where we have been working for almost 4 years. Erin's mom has gone twice on medical mission trips and is going again this August.... it does feel to me that if EVERYONE does what they can to help - we can indeed influence this world. Also, and more importantly, when we do these 'works' in the name of Jesus Christ - God is so honoured.
I want to thank you for sharing your burden for countries in our world and I know that you are learning ALL of this stuff this year for a very significant purpose...... enjoy it all. These experiences are the ones that shape the work you will be called to do. Hey, did you get emails from those three or four people I thought might contact you re- your questions about future schooling?
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