13 days to INDIA!!!
I choose this picture because this is a picture from a previous year of some people going to India. This little girl without even knowing her looks so precious and in her eyes she wants to be loved. I am so so so excited to be going to India in such a short short time! I can't hardly wait to see the country! It will be an unforgettable experience!
My week! Wowzers! Defiantly a week of lots of homework and went snowboarding on monday and had a class and drank some Duceral to prevent gastro-intestinal bacteria when we are in India lol AND I also ventured around out west! I ventured out to Saskatchewan for an event called Youth Quake. It is a youth event at the college there which my school is affiliated with. It was a long trip to go on bus but we had a splendid but driver named Brenda that was so nice and made the ride very enjoyable. I sat up front with her a few times and chatted about life and she was a joy to chat with. It took us about 2 days to get to small town of Caronport, Saskatchewan! We arrived and I stayed with a wonderful girl Olivia and Sarah. When we first got there we grabbed dinner and than the opening skit was right away. They always have each year a skit to open up the weekend. It was really well played! We than had some free time afterwards to hangout and go to some events that were going on. We than had the first session of the night. THe speaker was Jared Herd and he was there last year as well when i was there. He was really good and he spoke about some key stuff I am and was going through. The bands were Red, Britt Nicole, Downhere and tripmeter. I was not familiar with them but they were all pretty decent!
I contemplated on sharing this on my blog but I feel as though it would be good to share it...maybe you have been in the same circumstance....
So all in all I had a good weekend but I learned a great lesson out of it which was bitterness can drive your life and Anger.I struggled a lot on the weekend. I went into the weekend feeling really mad and bitter and angry with life. There were no particular reasons but my heart was heavy and I did not feel well. I was holding back and not letting people know what was going on. I was keeping distant from the group of kaleo'ers and didn't want to let people in. I thought I could handle it on my own and get through the heavy feelings of anger and being bitter. On saturday night We had a session which Jared Herd spoke and than he had talked about getting all the things out of your life that are taking over and ruling it than should not be. It really made me think. This anger and bitterness is REALLY taking a toll on my life and that is not what I want. I had a heavy heart all weekend and than we sang a song after and as I was singing i felt the tears coming. I just could not hold back I needed to let go. My tears were of pain that I needed to let go and not let it rule my life. I totally and completely just broke down. The sining ended and people started leaving as I sat there with my head down trying to hide what I was feeling. I still was hesitant on letting people know what was going on. I finally lifted my head to these two girls sitting beside me that I know. I talked with them about what was going on and just explained what I was feeling and going through. I told them I didn't like speaking to people about it because I didn't want to put that on them or make them have that burden to carry. Not saying that I should be carrying it but it's hard for me to approach people and say that something is wrong. In times of me being angry or bitter growing up I did not know how to handle it. I was use to letting it build up and eat away at me. I kept it to myself my pain and now I need to realize and am realizing that is something I need to overcome and learn that I have someone that is so much greater and loves me so much that can take that away and carry it for me....who is God. He hears my cry and has seen me and my hurts. He can take it away if I surrender it to him. It's not easy and it won't be but it's a work in progress.
26 "in your anger do not sin" do not let the sun go down while you are still angry. 27 And do not give the devil a foothold -Ephesians 4:26-27
31 get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling, and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ forgave you.-Ephesians 4:31-32
This is a story to be told and not kept in the dark. People need to know that Bitterness and Anger can rule your life and that there is someone who is so great that can take it away and there are people that can listen to you and that want to.
So that was my weekend lesson and I hope as you read it that you too learned something.
So yea I am learning lots lately and being challenged but in a good way. God is so good and I love him lots and am very excited for what's in store next.
some prayer requests:
-to get all my homework done i have ALOT right now.
-to get my rest
-to keep on having motivation to prepare physically for India
-that i will learn what it means to surrender
-for peace in my heart
until next time
Love Liv
These blogs are sooo impressive livvv, you are more courageous and stronger than anyone I know, a true inspiration and a light to everyone around you.
Dear Alivia,
I am glad to see that you are back safe and sound where you are supposed to be in B.C. NOT Saskatchewan or Alberta! I am glad you had such a good time away at the Briercrest weekend. It is also great the lesson you learned about 'other stuff' taking the centre of your life. That passage of scripture you shared is so true - we can let just about any 'feeling' take control but the truth is it doesn't change who God is in our lives and the place He alone wants to hold.
I am so pleased for your excitement about India and we continue to pray for you and other members of your team daily.
Take care of yourself and get your rest - it sounds like you are going to need it!!!!!
I am quite impressed to see you got your BLOG entry this week.... I am still looking for some others.
Enjoy the weekend and I hope you find the work easy to complete....
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