Thursday, February 24, 2011

A start to a new Beginning...

This blog has been lonely for quite some time now and I wish to repost on it. I have debated the thought for some time and have lately just wanted something to ramble on with everything that goes on in life. I loved being in Kaleo and writing each week, it really helped me gather my thoughts and see things in a different light!
So here goes it....
I will try and write every once in a while and totally feel free to comment on it! I'd love to hear your feedback and responses to it!

A verse that is defiantly dear to my heart that hmmm is just so freeing and incredible to reflect on...

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7

In other words; don't be shy! Preach it!
With the sweet words of good ol Saint Francis of Assisi....
"Preach the word at all times and if necessary use words!"
In Christ we have the power to show love to others
To be disciplined in life and our walks with God and encourage others
To have the power to take charge and do things with a kind heart and not be shy because we know that God has our back :)

recommended sweet song to listen to here :)

Much Love,

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