hey everyone :)
So here i am about 6 weeks or more into Kaleo and I'm having the time of my life. I can't believe it's been that long since i've been here! Time is flying by so so so fast its crah-azy! So the past week or so i have been work work working! I have had lots of homework to do before the month is over so its been a bit stressful for myself! It's defiantly hard when there are so many awesome people around to hang out with or play some volleyball with and you sometimes have to say no because you need to get work done. I'm doing a pretty decent job on managing my time and getting my work done for the most part :D.
It was a sweet time!

I went and visited the
Rogers in Victoria! I had an awesome time at thier house! The picture is of all of us having Thanksgiving dinner together!
They were so welcoming towards me and it was an amazing dinner cooked! Even though the power went out in the middle of the turkey
cooking everyone helped with getting the barbeque out and camping stoves to cook our delicious dinner :D!
I came back on monday and we had a dinner here with everyone and the staff of Qwanoes which was fun!
After the fun weekend i had to buckle down to do some homework! During the week we had a girls/boys night last week which was really fun! The girls went off to parksville! We ate some indian food at a restraraunt off the Ocean and than we went to dairy queen :) We stayed at this GORGEOUS house off the Ocean and had an awesome time bonding and talking with one another. We had an awesome breakfast that Jen and Kristie made for us and also Kylie helped cook some oh-sum eggs! We had banana pancakes which were my favorite! I put peanut butter and syrup on them oooh it was soo good! We than went for a walk on the Ocean and i found this really cool rock! I named it rupert! Look at the picture below :)
It's really sweet it has two eyes and a mouth haha i was walking along the beach and looked down and it was there this sweet rock! Soo after our walk on the beach we went shopping in Nanaimo at a mall! (come on its girls time you gotta have some shopping in there eh? lol). I bought these really sweet green lime jeans....on SALE. Yes on sale lol everyone makes fun of me here cause i always look for the cheapest stuff...but hey im a student I can't buy too expensive stuff! :P Girls hangout time was really awesome! We came back here and the past few days have been homework and hanging out and going to church!
My church is going really well! I'm liking it more and more each week I attend! We had jr.high youth group on wednesday like usually and i hadn't been in 2 weeks cause i had missed one wednesday because we were in Tofino! So it was a sweet night! Stevie the leader (really cool guy) talked about the gospel to the kids and i think this was the first week it seemed that they were somewhat paying attention to what he had to say! Some of them were being crazy and fooling around but most of them sat there and listened to him draw on the white board and draw stick people to catch their attention haha. The night went over all pretty well! My girls are all unique in their own individual way. They all have their own things they are dealing with and they are all wanting to be loved. There is one girl in particular that i would love to reach out to and just sit and talk with. She has something to her that makes me want to know more about her story. Sunday services are good too. This sunday they had a couple come up and talk about their adoption process of adopting a little girl from Ethiopia. It is still in progress the adoption it takes just over a year and a half or more. The amount of money to adopt is between 25,000-30,000
Prayer Requests etc.
Im really trying to work on putting others before myself. I'm trying to seek God not just to know about him but actually know him on a personal level. I'm getting challenged alot here which is awesome because i want it! So if you could pray for me to keep on getting challenged and pray for my weaknesses to become strengths and for me to be on top of my homework that would be awesome :)
Love Alivia
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