I was sitting outside today and she came and sat up on my lap and cuddled with me :)

I can't believe time is flying by so fast!
I've been doing so much homework lately that has been so overwhelming!
The past two weeks have been somewhat busy. Basically we have had lots of assignments and papers to do before our pre course that started today! THe course this week is called Hermeneutics. We are studying the Bible and how to read it. Our profs name is Merril Dyck and he is from Briercrest college in saskatchewan. Our first class was pretty good today. We had a lot of pre-course work that was heavy but i managed to finish it just in time to hand it in :)
Other than pre-course work we have been helping out around the camp here and also we went down to Victoria last week to help clean out the Salts ships that were coming in for winter. The Salts ships are one of the sail ships we sailed on in September for 5 days which was amazing! We helped sand down all the small boats that are called "doreys" and we helped sand down the poles the sails go up on. I'm a professional sander now after sanding for 6 hours lol!
My church ministry is going well! I'm having a really good time at my church. I just love the kids! I love hanging out and being crazy. My crazyness always shows when i'm around these kids. For instance we had dodgeball outside in the skatepark after junior high on wednesday and i ran around stealing the dodge balls from the boys and they were going crazy chasing after me, but offcourse i'm faster and i'm a professional so i out ran them! haha (side note: just kidding well i did out run them but I have this joke that i always say i'm a professional at kaleo and everything i do i say it..it's my new phrase :) I just love hanging out with them and i feel so free when were hanging out like i can be so crazy by running around and I don't care what people think. There is one girl that i really am trying to get to know. I've talked about her in previous weeks. She intrigues me and i really enjoy hanging out with her. I want her to know i care! This week at junior high we had this awesome talk at the end of the night. She was walking away and i called her name and i asked her if everything was alright. I knew something was up. She was hesitant but shared with me what was on her mind. It was about a boy that was her boyfriend and she didn't know if he really liked her and she didn't know if she could trust him because another boy that liked her told her that her boyfriend didn't like her. (basically a lot of drama in junior high lol I told her no matter what happens that she is so valuable and a very special girl. She deserves a boy that will like her for who she is and she can trust fully that will treat her like a princess :). I really hope that she see's how much worth she has and that she doesn't look for it in guys always. I really feel my heart is to get to know this girl more and be there just to hang out. So all in all i love my church and the kids are sweet! I'm excited for Halloween this friday to dress up..im thinking either a gangster or a cowgirl :) but it might change...maybe i'll be tin foil warrior haha...we have an outreach at the town community center and were handing out candy! I'll be there with my beauty and the beast pillow case just in case we get to go tricker treating! Eh your never too old ;)
Soo that is all for now! I have a course this week than i have some free time for more homework and hanging out with the awesome people here!
Prayer Requests:
-knowing what the right descision is
-getting my homework done
-being stretched
-for me to be able to speak for into the Junior Highs on wednesday nights!
-We have to make decisions this week on which mission trip we would like to go on in march. There are 4 choices and i'm not 100% sure where i want to go. If you could pray for guidance and for me to be able to make a confident choice by friday the dead line day.
The 4 choices are
-Vancouver & surrounding area
-New York City
In general pray that I continue to learn and grow while i'm here.
The picture below isn't the best quality but it was a sunset a few weeks ago and i thought it was really sweet coming over the mountain :)
Love Alivia :)