Sunday, October 16, 2011

Walking in the Prescence of Jesus

ooiiiiii...Today I went for a beautiful walk....I felt the urge to go outside and just start walking and be alone in my often are we surrounded with such busy lives that we rarely stop and sit and think and spend time with the Lord...other than church and chapels etc... So today I felt the urge to go walking I ventured out on the grid roads....the site of the prairies is goes on forever. You can see beautiful fields and the sun rising and setting and such BEAUTY! Walking today felt so freeing. I needed to knock some things off my chest with the Lord and just be in his prescence selflessly present myself to him in being raw and just talking with him. It was wonderful. I am a person that LOOOVES being around others...basically all the energy comes from others at times...but a polar opposite of me is that in times I find most rest sometimes is by myself...HAH. Going for that walk helped my heart think through life and just praise Jesus and feel refreshed in his presence.

Pslam 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart
Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Jesus encourages us to come to him with our life and continually offer it up to him ...good or bad circumstances he loves to hear our heart as his children. Make sure you set that time aside to delight in the Lord and be in silence with him.

Today I pondered the phrase of "limited love"...feeling like from my previous post...if this is what it has to come to and than thinking...Nooooo...Jesus has unconditional love ...and we are to be like Jesus...If we are to be like him our love shall be unconditional? yess I beleive so...but to what extent still? If people are hurting us than what? Than there is a line to be drawn to protect your heart..yes. What does that look like though...the bible has many sweet verses on came to mind...

Protect your heart for it is the wellspring of life Proverbs 4:23 what does that look like to you?

Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Hebrews 12:14-15
Grace: Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins 1 Peter 4:8

mmm hope you liked my blaabber :) ha I don't have all the right answers I know that offcourse.. I just probe and question and search things out...if you have any feed back feel free to tell me :)

written to Mat Kearney click HERE for youtube music

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Joy found in trials...

ooooh Joy: a state of happiness or felicity!

I encountered joy amongst trials in a time where most would not be able to find joy...
when we are surrounding in trials we often get down and fester in the negativity we are surrounded in. But through Christ I have found joy in trials that seem to occur in my life. It's funny how in the midst of situations we often do not think or rarely think their could be good in it? fabulous of a Father we have to have HOPE in our life. In the book of James it talks about trials and overcoming them. I beleive that in our trials we must not lose sight of the bigger picture. Have hope in everything, love eachother and be positive. Negativity is what gets us down and what can rain down in such a poopy way that before we know it we are left feeling bitter. Be optimistic and sincere with relationships in life. If someone does a wrong to you, love them back even more; protect yourself yes, but love the other person still and be careful to not build up feelings of dislike.

There is Joy and Hope in everything....The jounery doesn't end's a life choice...what are you going to choose?....
I know the constant state of hoping and having joy in each thing in life is what gets me hope is found in Christ and my joy is also found in the situations in life i'm faced with that continually Christ gives me peace and peserverance to grow and learn to love even more through the tough times.
