Where has the time gone?!:Surfing, Sailing, Hiking a mountain, classes, studying, homework, hanging out, movies, roomy nights, sweet talks, late nights on the dock praying or just hanging out, worship, singing, praying, growing together! These are just some of the things that have went on the past few months as I look back.
Who: With amazing people that have been so sweet to hang with and do things together.
When: 24/7
Where: In Beautiful British Columbia, Vancouver Island! Photo by Phil Karklins
I love the beauty of BC. The past few days I have been really taking advantage and making sure on car rides that I am awake to look out at the beautiful mountains and the beauty that God has created in this world. I love just starring out the window and thinking or going down to the dock on the water. Last night I went out on it and it was gorgeous the view. I stood out on it and the moon was shining and the water was so calm
we are all going home in just a few short days and I am wondering where all the time has gone! It has flown by SO fast the past few months. It's been incredible and life changing.

We went "hunting" for a christmas tree last week! We went just outside nanaimo to look for a tree in a big field and cut it down with a saw! It was so much fun! I didn't think it looked as big as it was but it turned out to be pretty huge once we got it into the lobby! We set up the little stockings that David lee's wife, our last prof gave to us. They all have our names on them! We had fun one evening setting up the christmas tree and putting snowflakes on it and hanging out! The christmas tree smelt so good! It hadn't been feeling much like christmas because im so use to colder weather and some snow and the tree made it feel like christmas a bit more and I loved it!

Our CHristmas tree :)
We went "hunting" for a christmas tree last week! We went just outside nanaimo to look for a tree in a big field and cut it down with a saw! It was so much fun! I didn't think it looked as big as it was but it turned out to be pretty huge once we got it into the lobby! We set up the little stockings that David lee's wife, our last prof gave to us. They all have our names on them! We had fun one evening setting up the christmas tree and putting snowflakes on it and hanging out! The christmas tree smelt so good! It hadn't been feeling much like christmas because im so use to colder weather and some snow and the tree made it feel like christmas a bit more and I loved it!
Church has yet again been going well. On friday we all went over to the pastors house and we made sushi and watched a movie called "raising arizona" it was one of his favorites haha It was a funny movie! Sushi was so good! I had so much fun making it! I would defiantly make sushi again! We also had really good dessert afterwards! It was a fun night! On sunday I helped out with sunday school! It went well! I love hanging out with the girls! Wednesday night youth group went well! Except some of my girls weren't there...i'm hoping they come this wednesday. It is our last night for youth group until January. I would love to see them before I head back home for a few weeks!
We had an awesome talent show on saturday night that was SO MUCH FUN! It was an amazing night of laughter and sweet talent! Everyone was really awesome and we all laughed so much and smiled! I will try to upload a video if I can figure it out on here! I did an act with erin and it was really funny!
All day monday we woke up early and went to a place called Wild Play. There was opportunities for some people to go bungee jumping, go on a giant swing called the King Swing, go on a zip line or climb trees. The tree climb one and the zip line were similar to what i've done at my camp back in Ontario and also the camp here. I went only on the Zip Line, it was fun but too short. About 8 people went bungee jumping and it was lots of fun watching them go. I took lots of videos of them jumping off the bridge. Also there was a giant swing that some people went off of. My two roomies went off of it and I took a sweet video of them! It all looked like so much fun! It was a fun day had with everyone. Just hanging out and watching people have fun doing the different things. Everyone had a fun Safe time.
Monday night we all dressed up :

We had a delicious Christmas dinner with the staff and students! I had no idea what to wear and had no dresses but a wonderful girl named lauren let me borrow one of her bright pink dresses that had a huge bow on it! It was such a good night and good dinner! We had awesome dessert later on at club coco and watched a
slideshow that i helped along with other people put together of the past few months.

God has done a lot in me the past few months. I've really learned a lot more about myself and how I should live my life. I have grown a lot in my own walk with God and I am trying to apply what I have learned to my own life. I am excited for Christmas break! I will be coming home soon to enjoy some snow
and hangouts with everyone!
Some Prayer Requests:
-That I would have a safe flight home along with everyone else traveling back home on friday.
-That I get my papers finished in the next few days of work!
Love Liv